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New Jersey Railroad State Laws and Regulations

Crossing Treatment Procedures

State Laws and Regulations

48:12-61. Authority of board of public utility commissioners; manner of elimination

Whenever a public highway, other than a state highway and the tracks of a railroad, or of more than one railroad whose rights of way adjoin or are in such close proximity to each other as to be necessarily involved in one elimination project, cross each other at the same level, and it shall appear to the board of public utility commissioners that such crossing is or such crossings are dangerous to public safety or that public travel on such highway is impeded thereby, the board may order the company or companies operating the railroad or railroads, within such time as the board may fix, to alter such crossing or crossings, according to plans to be approved by the board.

Such alterations may be made:

  1. By substituting a crossing or crossings not at grade by carrying the highway under or over the railroad or railroads or by reconstructing the railroad or railroads under or over the highway; or
  2. By vacating, relocating or changing the lines, width, direction or location of the highway and the opening of a new highway in the place of the one vacated; or
  3. Where, in the judgment of the board, the owners of public or private property will be unduly injured by the elimination of the crossings, by relocating the tracks of the railroad or railroads.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-61

48:12-64. Petition for removal of grade crossing; hearing; notice; determination

Any railroad company or companies whose tracks cross or are crossed at grade by a public highway, or the body having charge of the finances of any municipality or county having jurisdiction over any such highway, may present to the board a petition in writing setting forth the facts upon which relief under sections 48:12-61 to 48:12-67 of this Title is sought, or the board may of its own motion proceed with respect to any such crossing or crossings.

Thereupon the board shall fix a time and place for a hearing before it and shall order the railroad or railroads to give such notice thereof as it shall deem reasonable to the municipality or county and to the corporations, copartnerships or individuals interested therein. After such hearing the board shall determine or order what, if any, alterations to or changes in or connected with the crossing or crossings and public highway shall be made.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-64

48:12-68. Annual program by state highway department; maximum yearly expenditure

The State Highway Department, before January 1 of each year, shall formulate a program, covering the work to be started or completed during the ensuing year, for the elimination of railroad crossings at grade on State highways, the improvement, relocation, alteration and reconstruction of crossings of railroads and State highways not at grade, and the location and construction of new crossings of railroads and State highways not at grade, where the construction of the new crossings of railroads and State highways not at grade result or will result in the closing, abandonment or combination of an existing grade crossing at or in the vicinity of the new State highway crossing.

The aggregate estimated cost of the work in such annual program, in which railroad companies will share, shall not exceed $2,000,000.00.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-68

48:12-70. Division of cost between railroads and Highway Department

The cost of the work to be shared by railroad companies and the State Highway Department provided for in any annual program, exclusive of the cost of the surface paving on roadways and the curbing, sidewalk paving and guardrails on approaches, which shall be constructed at the sole expense of the State, shall be borne and paid 5% by the railroad company or companies involved and 95% by the State.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-70

48:12-71. Agreement for division of cost

The State Highway Department and any railroad company or companies may enter into an agreement on the basis of the division of the cost, as provided by section 48:12-70 of this Title, covering the work in the annual program, or the elimination of any crossing at grade or the improvement, relocation, alteration or reconstruction of any crossing not at grade on any State highway, in addition to the work provided for in such program.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-71

48:12-53. Construction of tracks along city streets; elevated roads; contracts

The municipal authorities of any city except a city of the first class may permit any railroad company to lay and construct its tracks along and upon any street or highway or above the street or highway by means of an elevated structure and may contract with such company, fixing the terms and conditions as to maintenance of crossings, speed of trains and payment of consideration for such use and may do all things necessary to carry out such contract and any such contract made prior to March thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and five, is hereby ratified and confirmed.

No such railroad shall be constructed along or above any such street or highway until the company shall have acquired the right of the owners abutting thereon by agreement or condemnation proceedings.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-53

48:12-54. Protections at grade crossings; group signals

Every company operating on a fixed track or tracks, freight or passenger trains or cars, shall provide protection to pedestrians and the traveling public at every crossing of its tracks by any public road. Such protection may be in the form of safety gates, flagmen, electric bell, electric signs or other recognized system of alarm or protection approved by the Board of Public Utility Commissioners.

When several crossings lie so close together that an audible signal at one crossing may be sufficiently heard at others near it, such crossings may be protected by such device or signals as will sufficiently protect all crossings in the group.

When on any line or part thereof all traffic is discontinued for any part of the night, no crossing guards need be operated while traffic is so discontinued.

This section shall not apply to street car lines or tracks used principally for street car purposes.

The provisions of this section shall be construed to be mandatory and shall be operative without order or direction of the board.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-54

48:12-55. Compelling proper protection of grade crossing

The Board of Public Utility Commissioners, upon its own initiative or upon the application of any municipality or citizen dissatisfied with the protection provided or the failure to provide any or sufficient protection at any crossing within such municipality or used by such citizen may by order compel proper compliance with section 48:12-54 of this Title. Such application shall be considered and acted upon in accordance with the board’s rules of practice.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-55

Blocked Crossings

State Laws, Regulations, and Penalties

39:4-94. Railroad blocking highway

No employee of a steam or electric railroad company shall operate a locomotive, train or crossing gate in such a manner as to unnecessarily prevent or interfere with the use of a highway for the purpose of travel.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 39:4-94

Warning Devices-Passive

State Laws and Regulations

48:12-58. Warning signs at grade crossings

Every railroad company shall install and maintain at each highway crossing at grade a conspicuous sign with such inscription and of such standard and design as shall be approved by the Board of Public Utility Commissioners, so as to be easily seen by travelers.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-58

Warning Devices- Train Borne

State Laws, Regulations, and Penalties

48:12-57. Bell or whistle on locomotives; penalty

  1. Every railroad company shall place on each engine a bell weighing not less than 30 pounds which shall be rung continuously in approaching a grade crossing of a highway, beginning at a distance of at least 300 yards from the crossing and continuing until the engine has crossed such highway, or a whistle or horn operated by steam, air or electricity, which shall be sounded, except in cities, at least 300 yards from the crossing and at intervals until the engine has crossed the highway.

For every default the company operating such road shall pay a penalty of $100.00 to be sued for by any informer within 10 days after such penalty was incurred, ½ to go to the informer and ½ to the county wherein such default occurred. Nothing herein shall take away any remedy for such neglect from any person injured thereby.

Upon application from the governing body of a county or municipality in which a grade crossing is located, the Commissioner of Transportation may, in his discretion, exempt railroad companies from observing the provisions of this section with respect to grade crossings in that county or municipality employing supplementary safety measures which have been approved by the Federal Railroad Administration or the Secretary of Transportation of the United States pursuant to 49 U.S.C.s. 20153 as fully compensating for the absence of the warning provided by the locomotive horn and which have received a waiver or exemption under 49 U.S.C.s. 20153(d).

As used in this act, “supplementary safety measure” means a safety system or procedure, provided by the appropriate traffic control authority or law enforcement authority responsible for safety at the highway-rail grade crossing, that is determined by the Secretary of Transportation of the United States to be an effective substitute for the locomotive horn in the prevention of highway-rail casualties. A traffic control arrangement that prevents careless movement over the crossing, for example, as where adequate median barriers prevent movement around crossing gates extending over the full width of the lanes in the particular direction of travel, and that conforms to standards prescribed by the Secretary, shall be deemed to constitute a supplementary safety measure. However, the following do not, individually, or in combination, constitute supplementary safety measures: standard traffic control devices or arrangements such as reflectorized crossbucks, stop signs, flashing lights, flashing lights with gates that do not completely block travel over the line of railroad, or traffic signals.

  1. With respect to that portion of a rail passenger line located in a county of the second class having a population between 420,000 and 425,000, according to the most recent federal decennial census, running between a municipality having a population between 15,100 and 15,125, according to the most recent federal decennial census, and a municipality having a population between 19,940 and 19,965, according to the most recent federal decennial census, upon application of a municipality in which a grade crossing of such line is located, the Commissioner of Transportation shall require that a railroad company or entity providing rail passenger service not sound a whistle or horn in that municipality between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., but instead require that a bell weighing not less than 30 pounds be rung between such hours at such grade crossing location as required by subsection a. of this section, except that notwithstanding this requirement an operator shall not be subject to a penalty for sounding a whistle or horn in an emergency.
  2. With respect to that portion of a rail passenger line located in a county of the first class having a population more than 825,000, according to the most recent federal decennial census, running through a municipality having a population between 30,530 and 30,560, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a municipality having a population between 9,850 and 9,900, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a municipality having a population between 10,870 and 10,900, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a municipality having a population between 3,900 and 3,950, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a municipality having a population between 17,890 and 17,920, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a municipality having a population between 7,030 and 7,060, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a municipality having a population between 11,980 and 12, 020, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a municipality having a population between 24,140 and 24,170, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a municipality having a population between 9,755 and 9,760, according to the most recent federal decennial census, a municipality having a population between 9,230 and 9,260, according to the most recent federal decennial census, and a municipality having a population between 15,360 and 15,400, according to the most recent federal decennial census, upon application of a municipality in which a grade crossing of such line is located, the Commissioner of Transportation shall require that a railroad company or entity providing rail passenger service not sound a whistle or horn in that municipality between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., but instead require that a bell weighing not less than 30 pounds be rung between such hours at any such grade crossing location, except that notwithstanding this requirement, an operator shall not be subject to a penalty for sounding a whistle or horn in an emergency.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-57

48:12-90.1. Electric headlight and tail light

Every track motor car being operated on the rails of a railroad company, when such visibility cannot be afforded by daylight, shall be equipped with an electric headlight either permanently attached or, if portable, in a fixed bracket, capable of illuminating the roadway ahead a distance sufficient to permit safe operation of the track motor car and also with a permanently attached or portable electrically energized red tail light to protect the track motor car from any following movement.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-90.1

Warning Devices- Active

State Laws and Regulations

48:12-54. Protections at grade crossings; group signals

Every company operating on a fixed track or tracks, freight or passenger trains or cars, shall provide protection to pedestrians and the traveling public at every crossing of its tracks by any public road. Such protection may be in the form of safety gates, flagmen, electric bell, electric signs or other recognized system of alarm or protection approved by the Board of Public Utility Commissioners.

When several crossings lie so close together that an audible signal at one crossing may be sufficiently heard at others near it, such crossings may be protected by such device or signals as will sufficiently protect all crossings in the group.

When on any line or part thereof all traffic is discontinued for any part of the night, no crossing guards need be operated while traffic is so discontinued.

This section shall not apply to street car lines or tracks used principally for street car purposes.

The provisions of this section shall be construed to be mandatory and shall be operative without order or direction of the board.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-54

48:12-55. Compelling proper protection of grade crossing

The Board of Public Utility Commissioners, upon its own initiative or upon the application of any municipality or citizen dissatisfied with the protection provided or the failure to provide any or sufficient protection at any crossing within such municipality or used by such citizen may by order compel proper compliance with section 48:12-54 of this Title. Such application shall be considered and acted upon in accordance with the board’s rules of practice.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-55

Private Crossings

State Laws and Regulations

48:12-49. Bridges and passages at street and road crossings; private ways and cattle guards

Every railroad company owning, leasing or controlling any right of way for a railroad within this state shall construct and keep in repair good and sufficient bridges and passages over, under and across the railroad or right of way where any road, street or avenue now or hereafter laid, shall cross the same, so that public travel on the road is not impeded thereby. Said bridges and passages shall be of such width and character as shall be suitable to the locality in which they are situated.

Where the railroad intersects the land of an individual the company shall provide and keep in repair suitable and convenient passageways over, under and across the railroad and construct and maintain suitable and proper cattle guards at all road crossings.

This section shall not enlarge the duty imposed by its charter upon any railroad company incorporated by special act and whose railroad was constructed before the second day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three.

N.J. Stat. Ann. § 48:12-49

Vegetation Clearance

State Laws, Regulations, and Penalties

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